Federação Internacional de Andebol cria o I Simpósio Online

O primeiro Simpósio Online da Federação Internacional de Andebol (IHF) será apresentado pela Academia Virtual do mesmo organismo e terá lugar de 26 de Junho a 25 de Julho, com um total de 20 seminários a serem apresentados por treinadores e preletores IHF.

A Academia Virtual da IHF foi criada para fornecer soluções inteiramente online para treino e programas de licenciamento durante o período de confinamento, especialmente para treinadores, árbitros, delegado e educadores. Nesta linha, o primeiro Simpósio Online da IHF, foi criado especialmente para treinadores e árbitros, embora a participação nos seminários esteja aberta a todos.

Para participar é necessário um registo via o Centro de Educação da IHF, sendo que a linguagem utilizada será maioritariamente o inglês, com traduções simultâneas para espanhol, francês e árabe. Os utilizadores poderão ainda colocar as duas questões aos preletores via chat.


Primeira Sessão

Sexta, 26 de Junho

12:00-13:30: Jochen Beppler, IHF analyst – Learn to create spaces in an attack

14:00-15:30: Ramon Gallego, IHF PRC Chairman – Progressive line: Rules 8:3 and 8:4. Guidelines and criteria of the PRC. 

Sábado, 27 Junho

12:00-13:00: Angel Sabroso, Oscar Raluy, Matija Gubica and Boris Milosevic, IHF referees – Tasks, positions and movements around the pivot zone and other situations

14:00-15:30: Mats Olsson, IHF CCM member – Goalkeeper coach education: Basic concepts in a different way

Segunda Sessão

Sexta, 3 de Julho

12:00-13:30: Mads Hansen, Martin Gjeding, IHF referees – Whistling before six passes. Direct passive play

14:00-15:30: Jorge Duenas, IHF CCM member – Tactics and defensive strategies

Sábado, 4 de Julho

12:00-13:30: Paul Landure, IHF CCM member – Coaching a flexible defence is a necessity to succeed at the highest level

14:00-15:30: Bjarne Jensen, PRC member – Passive play in handball today

Terceira Sessão

Sexta, 10 de Julho

12:00-13:30: Jochen Beppler, David Gröger, German Handball Federation – Restart of preparation in special situation (corona crisis)

14:00-15:30: Dani Ariño, Sergi Cedrún, IHF fitness coaches; Maria Muller-Thyssen, IHF physiotherapist; Ari Magriña, IHF sports nutritionist; Lucia Rodriguez, psychologist and mental coach – IHF referees: How to deal with confinement and going back to competition. Different times, different practices: the whole world is changing. Learn to adapt to the new reality

Sábado, 11 de Julho

12:00-13:30: Julie Bonaventura, Charlotte Bonaventura, Ignacio Garcia Serradilla, Andreu Marin, IHF referees – High rhythm and speed in modern handball. Flow

14:00-15:30: Arthur Yapo, physical preparation coach for PSG men’s professional team – Restart of preparation in special situation (corona crisis)

Quarta Sessão

Sexta, 17 de Julho

12:00-13:30: Ramon Gallego, IHF PRC Chairman; Dietrich Späte, IHF CCM Chairman – Provocations and overreactions in modern handball. A very negative tendency

14:00-15:30: Seong-Ok Oh, IHF analyst and head coach of Republic of Korea women’s youth national team – Training of feints in one-on-one situations 

Sábado, 18 de Julho

12:00-13:30: Patrice Canayer, Montpellier HB head coach – Technical and tactical details not well adapted in some specific game situations

14:00-15:30: Per Morten Sodal, PRC lecturer – Offensive fouls according to PRC and CCM criteria

Quinta Sessão

Sexta, 24 de Julho

12:00-13:30: Rafael Guijosa, IHF lecturer – Reflections on collective defence: How to build a compact defensive system

14:00-15:30: Tono Huelin, PRC lecturer and IHF Rules Working Group member – Empty goal and Last 30 seconds rule according to PRC and CCM criteria

Sábado, 25 de Julho

12:00-13:30: Yerime Sylla, IHF lecturer – Playing seven against six: more than positioning on court

14:00-15:30: Ramon Gallego, IHF PRC Chairman; Dietrich Späte, IHF CCM Chairman – Game and rule development: new ideas/proposals 

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